James Pavlic was installed as minister of Christ Presbyterian Church in February 2023.
This page will remain temporarily as a record of our search and to help other churches searching for a pastor.


Pulpit Committee

At the end of October 2021, Pastor Jason Wakefield shared with the congregation of Christ Presbyterian Church (CPC) his plans to resign effective January 31, 2022. In November 2021, the Session opened nominations for members to serve on a pulpit committee to search for our next pastor. In December 2021, the pulpit committee was elected by the congregation, and in January 2022, the pulpit committee began working together in earnest to prepare to search for CPC’s next pastor. After 10 months of prayerful searching, in November 2022, the pulpit committee voted unanimously to recommend a candidate to the congregation.

Meet the Candidate

After consultation and deliberation, the Pulpit Committee voted unanimously to recommend to the congregation James Pavlic, who, in our judgment, fulfills the Constitutional requirements of the office of pastor and is most suited to be profitable to the spiritual interests of the congregation (BCO 20-2). Read more about James and his family in the CPC Pastoral Candidate handout. They visited CPC the first weekend in December, and there was a congregational meeting on December 11, 2022 where the congregation voted unanimously to elect James as CPC’s next pastor. In January 2023, James was examined by the Candidates, Credentialing, and Internships committee of the Northern New England Presbytery and on the floor of Presbytery. He was installed as the pastor of CPC in February 2023.

Church and Pastor Profile

The Church and Pastor Profile describes our congregation and our hopes for our next pastor. It was put together by CPC’s pulpit committee using input from our congregational survey and the Session. The profile will help candidates learn about CPC and understand who we are as a church, and it will help the pulpit committee determine if a candidate is a good fit for CPC.

Apply Here

To apply for the position of pastor at Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashua, NH, please submit this form (form closed in December 2022). You will need a resume, cover letter, and recordings of at least three sermons.

Prayer Opportunities

At the beginning of each month, we’ll share prayer requests and scripture readings. View the archive (starting in February 2022). In addition, we invite you to join us for prayer on Sundays before the worship service (at approximately 10:15 a.m.) in the crying room.


We divided our process for finding a new pastor into the following phases, which you can also see represented in the chart: Preparation, Search Round 1, Search Round 2 (if needed), and Call. 

Chart showing phases of pastor search

Each month, we’ll provide a short update during the worship service, with an email summary for members who were unable to attend. Each quarter (approximately), we’ll hold an informational meeting after the worship service to provide more substantial updates and answer questions. 

Quarterly Updates

February 2022
April 2022
August 2022
November 2022

Pulpit Committee Members

The members of the pulpit committee were nominated and elected by the congregation of CPC. We are honored to serve our church by being part of the committee, and we invite you to partner with us through prayer, studying God’s word, and engaging in the search process. Please contact us any time with questions, ideas, or feedback. 

Hosea Mba
Pat Newman
Jennifer Oquist
Danica Rines
Kirsten Snyder
Jiahao (Sam) Zhu