Jesus offers a radical redefinition and fulfillment of God’s expectations for us through his life, death, and resurrection.
Jesus demonstrates perfect compassion by seeing, having compassion, and acting to defeat death, empowering believers to show similar practical compassion to those grieving, rooted in the hope of resurrection.
Jesus is the only One truly worthy, and through faith in Him, we can be made worthy in God’s eyes despite our inherent unworthiness
True discipleship involves not just calling Jesus “Lord” but actively obeying Him, with Jesus Himself serving as the unshakeable foundation that enables and empowers our obedience through His perfect sacrifice and the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus through his life, death, and resurrection, provides us a spiritual heart transplant, replacing our naturally corrupt hearts with new ones capable of producing good fruit through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus alone has the legitimate authority to judge and condemn, and because we have been forgiven through him, we can forgive rather than condemn others.
Jesus calls us to love our enemies and show mercy to those who don’t deserve it, just as God has shown undeserved mercy to us through Christ’s sacrifice.
True blessing comes from Jesus bearing God’s curse on our behalf, enabling us to experience God’s permanent favor and find freedom in Christ, even amidst worldly hardships and temporary blessings.
Jesus was excluded through His crucifixion so that all people, regardless of background, could be included in God’s family and kingdom through faith in Him.
Because of the person and work of Jesus, we can cease striving for rest and live out of his rest.