Because Christ is so wonderful, we should cultivate a life of observant and persistent prayer that aligns with the missionary heart of God so that all might know him. And we should align our lives purposefully in order to see Christ glorified as more and more come to know him.
We should pray all the time, during good and bad times, individually and with friends, and pray with confidence and trust.
We must persistently and expectantly pray to our Father from a heart of sonship and submission
We must remember our standing in Christ and act out of that standing. But, if we fall and fail, which we will, we simply return to God in repentance and faith. He will then restore us and we will once again experience the joy that is found in Christ.
We must God’s word, the revelation of Christ, a daily part of our lives. We must not only come together and read it, but we must read it individually. And when we do, we must respond to it.
We must wait upon God when all seems lost. We must wait on God and pour our hearts out to him. We must wait on God and know he will judge.
Following Jesus means living as a citizen of heaven, and to do this we follow tried and true spiritual values and practices, to keep us rooted and grounded in Christ.
In order to multiply, God’s church needs good soil. That soil is God’s very presence in the church through his Holy Spirit. His presence creates a community that lives out four rhythms: learning to obey God’s word, worshipping God together, living life together, and living dependent upon God.
A disciple is part of a community of multiplication that invites others to follow Jesus so they can love God, their neighbor, and multiply themselves as they make disciples.
Because of Jesus’ universal authority and continued presence, we can have confidence and assurance in our bearing the fruit of making disciples.